Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享
Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享是一本符合教學所需的教科書
Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享佳評如潮值得收藏,看完還讓我回味無窮!
Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享誠意推薦給大家看喔!
專業教科書Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享全書的內容大意
內容簡介: Description
Hide and Seek is a three-Level, six-book series with enchanting characters and engaging photographs for preschool children learning English for the first time. It takes a multi-stranded Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach in which Literacy, numeracy, science, values and craft lessons are arranged around a central topic in each unit. This fully-integrated feature provides for favorable educational content that can be used flexibly according to the teaching situation and number of teaching hours.
Key features
?Multi-faceted early Literacy program
?Multi-stranded CLII approach
?Differentiated learning outcomes in each lesson for mixed-ability classes
?Fun, captivating and adaptable lesson material
?Integrated games and activities
博客來>博客來網路書局?Lots of songs and chants
?Strong values syllabus (politeness, friendliness, responsibility)
?Activities and projects to do at home with a parent
快樂錢:買家和賣家必讀的金錢心理學 | 讓你擁有財富能量的沈嶸魔法 | ||
生命的活法:日本巨富學人本多靜六的財產告白 | 當富拉克遇見海賊王:草帽中的財富密碼 | ||
猶太人商腦筋:只要有利可圖,鑽石和棺材都是生意 | 突破年薪百萬的十個關鍵 | ||
為什麼有錢人先吃最喜歡的菜?:猶太富翁教我的致富法則 | 致富奇術一百訣 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Jane Thompson, Stephen Thompson, Jennifer Heath, Michael Gough
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2016/02/24
- 語言:英文
Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享
想成功就先替自己找一條捷徑 | 糊塗成功學 | ||
高科技就業聖經:不是理工科的你,也可以做到! | 誰偷了我的煩惱-一位明師的啟示 | ||
成功者的思惟技巧 | 形象決定印象 | ||
感悟:成功人生必修課之思想學分 | 大智慧,創造大機會 |
Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享推薦,Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享討論,Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享比較評比,Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享開箱文,Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享部落客
Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享那裡買,Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享價格,Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享特賣會,Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享評比,Hide and Seek (2A) with Activity Book and Audio CDs-2片心得分享部落客 推薦
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